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Distcomp: The distcomp application is used to calculate and display the differences between two data sets, or one data set and a series of other data sets. The software support histograms, probability plots, cumulative distributions, P-P plots and Q-Q plots.

Seven sample populations are displayed in this data set. This figure shows the cumulative distribution of each sample set. For this data set, the individual sets are clearly different. If the sets were from the same population, one would expect the lines to roughly overlap.

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Probability plot are useful for determining is sample sets are normally distributed; one would expect the sample points to form a single, nearly straight line. The individual sets are clearly from different populations, and one might argue some of the sets should be split into multiple sets (composed of two, or more, straight line segments).

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This figure shows a non-traditional line histogram.

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This is a Q-Q plot of the same data.

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For more information: info@uncert.com Last Modified: October 2, 2014