JOURNAL ARTICLES: Wingle, W.L., E.P. Poeter, and S.A. McKenna, 1999, UNCERT: Geostatistics, Uncertainty Analysis, and Visualization Software Applied to Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling, Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp 365-376. Poeter, E.P., S.A. McKenna, and W.L. Wingle, 1997, Improving Groundwater Project Analysis With Geophysical Data, The Leading Edge, November 1997, pp 1675-1681. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1993, Uncertainty Associated with Semivariograms Used for Site Simulation, Ground Water, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 725-734.
PROCEEDINGS ARTICLES & ABSTRACTS: Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1999, Geostatistical Analysis and Training via the Internet, APCOM'99: Computer Applications in the Minerals Industries 28th International Symposium, October 20-22, 1999, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1998, Classes vs. Thresholds: A Modification to Traditional Indicator Simulation, Advances in Geostatistics, 1998 AAPG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-20, 1998. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1998, Directional Semivariograms: Kriging Anisotropy Without Anisotropy Factors, Advances in Geostatistics, 1998 AAPG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 17-20, 1998. Poeter, E.P., W.L. Wingle, and E.V. Edris, 1997, Utilizing Disparate Types of Data at a Complex Site to Reduce Uncertainty Associated with Estimated Parameters, Water for a Changing Global Community, Groundwater: An Endangered Resource, Proceedings of Theme C, Series Editors Holly Jr. F.M., and A. Alsaffar, Theme Editors Findikakis, A.N., and F. Stauffer, 27th Congress of the International Association for Hydraulic Reseach (ASCE), San Francisco, California, August 10-15, 1997, pp. 343-348. Poeter, E.P., W.L. Wingle, E. Edris, 1997, Utilizing Disparate Types of Data at a Complex Site to Reduce Uncertainty Associated with Estimated Parameters, Selected Research in Environmental Quality, Joint USAF/ARMY Environmental Quality Meeting, Panama City, FL, January 14-17, 1997, pp. 111-116. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1996, Evaluating Subsurface Uncertainty Using Zonal Kriging, Uncertainty '96 (ASCE), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1-3, 1996. (Download 148 K) Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1996, Site Characterization, Visualization, and Uncertainty Assessment Using Zonal Kriging and Conditional Simulation (Live Demonstration / Poster), Global Exploration and Geotechnology, 1996 AAPG Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, May 19-22, 1996. Poeter, E.P., and W.L. Wingle, 1995, Visualization of Geohydrologic Uncertainty Evaluation, GSA 1995 Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, GSA 1995 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 4-8, 1995. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1993, Evaluating Uncertainty Associated with Semivariograms Applied to Site Characterization, IGWMC Ground Water Modeling Conference, Golden, Colorado, pp. P-96 to P-105. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1992, Evaluating Uncertainty Associated with Semivariograms Applied to Site Characterization, (Invited presentation), Marathon Oil Research Center, Littleton, Colorado. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1992, Evaluating Uncertainty Associated with Semivariograms Applied to Site Characterization, Geotech '92 Conference Proceedings, Lakewood, Colorado, pp. 415-429. Wingle, W.L., 1992, Examining Common Problems Associated with Various Contouring Methods, Particularly Inverse-Distance Methods, Using Shaded Relief Surfaces, Geotech '92 Conference Proceedings, Lakewood, Colorado, pp. 362-376. (Download 435 K) Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1992, Evaluation of Uncertainty Associated with Contaminant Migration in Groundwater - A Technically Feasible Approach, (Best Ph.D. Speaker), Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual American Geophysical Union Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, Colorado, pp. 27-37. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1992, Evaluation of Uncertainty Associated with Contaminant Migration in Groundwater - A Technically Feasible Approach, (poster session with software demonstration), Solving Ground Water Problems With Models Proceedings (International Ground Water Modeling Center and the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers), Dallas, Texas, pp. 687-695. Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 1991, Evaluation of Uncertainty Associated with Contaminant Migration in Groundwater - A Technically Feasible Approach, Geotech/GeoChautauqua '91 Conference Proceedings, Lakewood, Colorado, pp. 360-368. Gaylord, D.R., E.P. Poeter, W. Belcher, P. Townsend, W.L. Wingle, K.A. Lindsey, H.J. Corner, L.D. Stetler, C. Knaack, 1989, Geology and Geohydrology of the 300 Area: Recommendation for FY90-91 Research, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories.
COMPUTER PROGRAMS, TUTORIALS, AND DOCUMENTATION: Wingle, W.L., and E.P. Poeter, 2000, Geostatistical Analysis Tutor, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. Hsieh, P.A., W.L. Wingle, and R.W. Healy, 1999, VS2DTI - A Graphical User Interface for the Variably Saturated Flow and Transport Computer Program VS2DT, USGS WRI-99-4130, pp 17. Poeter, E.P. and W.L. Wingle, W.L., 1999, Boundary Conditions, Colorado School of Mines, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Golden, Colorado. Wingle, W.L., E.P. Poeter and S.A. McKenna, 1995, UNCERT: A Geostatistical Uncertainty Analysis Package Applied to Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling, Colorado School of Mines. Wingle, W.L., 1994, Graphix: A simple library of C and FORTRAN callable X-windows/Motif graphics routines, Colorado School of Mines. Wingle, W.L., 1990, 3D, Isometric Solid Surfacing and Shading, Wingle Hydrogeology.
DISERTATION & THESIS: Wingle, W.L., 1997, Evaluating Subsurface Uncertainty Using Modified Geostatistical Techniques, Ph.D. Dissertation #T-4595, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines. Wingle, W.L., 1991, Development of Guidelines for Inverse-Method Groundwater Flow Modeling, Master's Engineering Report #ER-3864, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines.
wwingle@uncert.com Last Modified: October 2, 2014 |